The Mazda2 is a sub-compact car that has a lot of what goes into every Mazda - all put into a smaller package. It’s Zoom-Zoom in its most concentrated form or Zoom-Zoom Concentrated. This theme was carried through from the debut at the Los Angeles Auto Show to the launch that included print, digital and social media. For the show, we created a flyer with a pull out that instructed the user how to use the flyer to trigger, with the use of a webcam, a video experience to show the car in Augmented Reality (3-D).
To keep the unconventional approach, we created a product brochure that resembles a can of Zoom-Zoom Concentrated. It included the same graphics from the Auto Show to trigger the Augmented Reality experience. For the showroom, we continued the theme with a giant can display to hold the brochures.